Exhibitor Info
Exhibitor Forms
Info & Resources
- Call Jack Landry at 603-228-0351 or 603-703-4351, or email at jlandry@nhhba.com
- Friday, Feb 28, 2025
7:30 am – 7:00 pm
All exhibitors are required to check-in prior to setting up display.
Exhibitor check-in stations are located outside the entrance of the Expo Center and Ballroom exhibit halls.
Pre-registration of staff working the show on Saturday and/or Sunday is not required. All exhibitors working the show on Saturday and/or Sunday will be given wristbands upon check-in.
Saturday, March 1, 2024 10:00 am – 6:00 pm
Sunday, March 2, 2024 10:00 am – 4:00 pm
On Saturday evening, after the show closes, we have a free vendor mixer for all vendors in the NH State Home Show and NHHBA members. This event will begin at 6:00pm (show close) on Saturday in the Beer & Wine Garden in the Armory. This mixer is sponsored by Belletetes, Quality Insulation, Cross Insurance, Acadia Insurance, and iHeart Radio
Sunday, March 2nd: 4:00 pm – 8:00 pm
Exhibits shall not be removed from the building at any time after installation until final closing of the show at 4:00 pm.
All exhibits must be completely broken down with removed from the hotel by 8:00 pm, Sunday, March 3rd, 2024.
Vendor who leave items in any of the exhibit halls on Sunday, March 3rd, will be charged an additional $2,600.00 per space where items were left behind until Monday, March 4, 2024. No exceptions.
Standard booth spaces are 10’w x 8’d. Pop up tents must fit witnin a 10' x 8' space. All booths are provided with 8 foot back drape and 3 foot side drapes. Each exhibitor agrees to set up exhibits within the perimeters of his or her assigned space. Any exceptions to this must be submitted in writing with design drawings and explanation to show manager for permission, no later than January 15th, 2024. Any exhibitor in violation will be asked to remove their display. Exhibitors with end caps please be courteous of neighbors behind you. In order to keep consistency and present a professional show to the public for you, these guidelines will be strictly enforced.
All exhibitors are required to submit a Certificate of Liability Insurance.
List Certificate Holder as:
New Hampshire Home Builders Association/NH State Home Show
POBox 951
Concord, NH 03302
Description of Operations/Location: NH State Home Show March 1-2, 2025 located at the DoubleTree Hotel, 700 Elm Street, Manchester, NH.
Food and drink items will be sold on Saturday and Sunday in the concourse area outside the Expo Center. Hours: 11am - 2pm
$7.00 discount parking is available in the Doubletree by Hilton parking garage. Validation machines are located inside the Expo Center.
Exhibitors are encourage to find alternative parking to allow space for consumers to park. Exhibitors have the option of renting parking space for the duration of the show in the lot behind the Doubletree by Hilton for a fee of $50.00 (single vehicle); $75.00 (oversize vehicle). Call 603-226-6538, space is limited.
- Hotel: DoubleTree by Hilton Manchester Downtown
- Reservation Request: 603-625-1000
- Group Name: NH State Home Show
- Block of Rooms Dates: 2/29/2024, 3/1/2024, 3/2/2024
To receive the discount rate it is important to contact the hotel at least 30-days prior to arrival date and identify as part of the NH State Home Show group.
Reservations received less than 30-days prior to arrival date will be accepted on a space available basis, at the higher of the contract rate or rate available at that time.
Any requests for special room arrangements must be made at the time of this call.